Tuesday 30 June 2015

Terminator Genisys: Surprisingly Awesome

The advanced screening for this was only $12 a ticket at my local cinema, so I thought "Why the hell not? I've seen the first two, so I get the gist. Let's watch Arnie blow stuff up." So I was honestly surprised at how good this movie was. There was a nice balance of humour with action, even if one or two jokes fell flat, like the legions of killer robots set on destroying humanity: there was always another one to take its place. Nods to the first movie were great, and the changes felt genuine, especially Emilia Clarke's Sarah Connor (AKA my new favourite badass). Her acting was brilliant, being strong and vulnerable at all the right moments. Her relationship with Arnie or "Pops" as she calls him, is both adorable and philosophically intriguing.

I'm really irritated with the trailer, for giving away what could've been the biggest plot twist of the movie (I won't spoil it here, but I think those of you who have seen the trailer will know what I'm talking about). But I suppose we'll just have to live with that.

Anyway, I reckon that fans of the franchise will be super pleased with Genisys, with its weird combination of sequel and reboot. But even if you aren't overly familiar with the other films, they summarise what happens in the first 30 minutes or so. Of course the action plays a larger part than the drama and philosophy behind a lot of what's going on; but there's still enough for the inquiring mind to chew on between explosions.

So go for it! Go check this movie out. You may be as surprised as I was. Also don't forget to stay for the mid-credits scene that teases the next film!

Poster from this website

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